Save Time and Money
Holding Your Parts-Inspection Reports to a New Standard
What we do
Precision Dimensional Inspection Services
Fact is
Even when the most sophisticated CMM and other measurement equipment is involved, your dimensional inspection results can still be flawed. Don’t waste another minute or another dime on dubious reporting.
Let the dedicated metrology specialists at Touchstone Measurement give you a personal, one-to-one insight into the critical nuance of dimensional inspection—the equipment selection, part setup and other devil-in-the-detail variables that can affect your report’s accuracy, timeliness and cost.
With Touchstone’s brief, but thorough, guide session under your belt, you’ll:
- Make smarter decisions regarding your inspection service provider.
- Know what questions to raise when your customers or suppliers put forward parts-inspection results that don’t match yours.
- Most of all, get the accuracy you need—the first time—and get on with your production schedules.

Call Now to Schedule Your
FREE Key to Accuracy Demo